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Legends Anagrams

Browse 12 anagrams and scramble related to the Legends terminology and jargon.

atlantas racea carnal stateRate it:
diana of versaillesaid favorless alienRate it:
draculaalucardRate it:
air pirateat prairieRate it:
perseus and andromedadreads darn menopauseRate it:
flying mercuryfry my gin ulcerRate it:
the minotauri mutant heroRate it:
pluto and proserpinai supported anal pornRate it:
the forge of vulcanoh no vulgar effectRate it:
echo and narcissussos anarchic nudesRate it:
cupid asleepspice up dealRate it:
medea and absyrtussurname stayed badRate it:

Know a good shorthand in the Legends jargon that we miss? Don't keep it to yourself!


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"Legends." STANDS4 LLC, 2025. Web. 13 Mar. 2025. <>.